If you need a safe place to park tonight, call 408-341-6080
Do you live in your car?
How it works
Each month one of the sites in our network hosts our guests overnight. The host provides bathrooms & safe parking space overnight for registered guests. At some sites, the hosts may also provide a hospitality room, food, toiletries, showers, or WiFi.
Who we are
Our network is a group of congregations & schools. For the privacy of our guests we don't disclose our locations online. If you are interested in becoming a part of our network, contact us below.
Our partner
Our network partners with Amigos de Guadalupe Center for Justice & Empowerment to make this safe space possible. Amigos registers new guests and provides resource support to those who want it. Amigos can be reached at 408-341-6080 to apply for parking.
Our Guests
Our guests are regular people. All guests agree to abide by the Rules & Agreements of the SVSP network. Guests go to work, school, or elsewhere during the day and stay in the safe parking spaces at night. There is no fee or charge for the safe park.
Apply to stay at SVSP
Anyone is welcome to apply regardless of age, social or citizenship status,
ethnicity or race, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental health status, or physical ability.
ethnicity or race, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental health status, or physical ability.
New guests must have three things to be eligible:
1. A valid driver's license 2. An operable vehicle 3. Current vehicle registration 4. Valid insurance Funds may be available to help with the cost of registration/insurance. |
To apply, call Amigos de Guadalupe at 408-341-6080
Interested in volunteering?
The SVSP's mission is to create safe and welcoming spaces where guests who are living in their cars can sleep, stabilize, recover, and gain access to social services. This care for our neighbors who are home insecure is accomplished through the collaboration of faith-based communities, local city governments, and other service organizations.
We are always looking for others to join us in creating hospitable space for our neighbors who stay in their vehicles. Please contact us below to start the conversation.
Hosts |
Organizations that have a parking lots and the willingness to have overnight guests.
Hosts may organize or provide hospitality beyond a parking space, but it is not required or necessary. |
Volunteers |
Current hosting sites are always looking for volunteers to provide good hospitality. This could mean being present to visit with folks, meal donations, or other jobs. You could volunteer as an individual or, your group/organization could volunteer together.